Tuesday 8 February 2011

Some History

Waggon Record

Works Photograph

Photographs courtesy of George Timcke

More work to the axles and the first paint goes on!

If you look back to postings in November you will see these brake shoes in a sad state.  We took them to E F Breen in Maidstone last Monday and they were back, relined and blasted by Wednesday.  What service!  The same part number still exists.  I painted them in red lead paint (orange to me), the first of many parts to be painted.  I'm honoured. 

Work Starts Again

Finally back in the shed, needle gunning the rear axle.  What a long and noisy job that is, invested in two sets of ear defenders!  I know, I should have worn my hat under them...

Friday 14 January 2011

What's Going On?

For all you followers out there wondering why you haven't heard the lastest on the Lion, well that's because there is nothing to tell.  Yes, I'm afraid no work has been done on the Lion for at least six, sad weeks now. 

There is a new love in Derek's life, called Brutus, many of you may know of him already. 

However, the Lion (or what's left of it) is being collected on Monday for some serious welding work and will then be blasted. 

In the meantime I will be posting some archive photos of the Lion (and might throw in some pics of the Brut too).